Mountains to Sound Greenway is a full-featured site with a custom theme and functionality aimed at saving the organization time.

Volunteer events are generated in SalesForce and pushed to the site regularly. Volunteers can register for the events and data is pushed back to SalesForce in real time.

Map objects are managed in a spreadsheet edited by several contributors and then pulled into the site to generate the Greenway Map.

The MTSGreenway homepage highlights the multitude of content housed on the site.

Volunteer Events

Volunteer events are created in SalesForce and pushed to the website on a regular interval. Volunteers can register for events on the site and data is pushed to Salesforce and back to the site so that registration closes when all of the slots are filled. 

MTSGreenway Volunteer Events are pushed to the site from SalesForce.

Interactive Map

The interactive map displays all of the properties that the Greenway has some connection to. We pull JSON data into the site from a third-party provider and listings can be further enhanced by Greenway staff. 

The Interactive Map features recreational and historical locations within the Greenway.